Course Launch With ClickUp

Amalie Shaffer
28 min readOct 12, 2021


Launching a course or a program can be a bit daunting, especially if you’re still running your business, handling clients, and working hard to deliver everything on time. In this video tutorial, we invited Olivia West, the Productivity Maven, to share with us how she uses her Sticky Priorities Planner, and then we combined it with ClickUp’s tools to help you launch your course with ease.

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P.S.: Click the hyperlinked text to go exactly to the part of the video where we mention each feature!

The Sticky Priorities Planner is an interactive planner that helps you focus on your activities, whether it’s a launch or your daily planning. Before we jump into how to use it, we get an overview of the planner to make the most out of it.

Once we get a hang of it and have put all of your tasks into it, the next part is evaluating each of your tasks using a 1–100 scale, for both value and effort. Doing so will help you understand what needs to be done first, what is not so urgent but takes time, what doesn’t take time but needs to be daily, etc. This part is very important as it will help you categorize your tasks into their corresponding section.

Now that we understand the priority of each task, it’s time to move to ClickUp. We’re going to transfer your tasks to ClickUp — a simple way to do it is by copying the spreadsheet columns and pasting them into ClickUp. Then, it’s time to start assigning your tasks to yourself or other team members, giving them due dates, making them recurring if needed, etc. You know your business and its needs best!

If you are having more than one module in your course, then you can create a template for your module, including all your subtasks, checklists, SOPs, special instructions, and just recreate it for your second, third, or however modules you need. Doing this will save you time that can be invested in taking care of your customers instead! you can create a template task with its subtasks, embed the SOP if you have it, or simply add the instructions for each task. Break it down in a way that works best for you.

Lastly, once you are done with the prior steps, you can get an overall view of your calendar with calendar view to get a better sense of how your workload looks like, using the priorities from your Sticky Priorities Planner — that way you can rearrange your calendar as needed if one day is heavier than others.

Watch Amalie Show You How To Course Launch With ClickUp:

Read The Course Launch With ClickUp Video Transcript

Amalie Shaffer 0:02
All right. Good morning, everyone. My name is Amalie Shaffer, and I’m with Systematic Excellence Consulting. And this is the ClickUp Mastery YouTube channel. I am so excited for you guys to be here because I have a special guest, Olivia. So and today we are going to go over a course launch with ClickUp. So, essentially, well actually, Olivia, let me let you introduce yourself, then I’ll give the rundown of what we’re gonna do. Okay, so go ahead and introduce yourself. I’m just so excited.

Olivia 0:33
I’m so excited to be here. Thanks. So my name is… I’ve been saying productivity so so much that now I start telling people that that’s my name.

Amalie Shaffer 0:44
I mean, it’s like a baby.

Olivia 0:49
Oh, my goodness. My name is Olivia West, and I am the productivity Maven. And I help women entrepreneurs align what’s in their heart with what’s in their head, so that they can connect their heart, their soul to their goals. But basically what I’m saying is that helps you become unstoppable. So I’m just excited to be here, because I have this really cool tool that I use in my own program called Productivity with Soul. And we’re going to look at how we’re going to merge the two together yet, this is called Sticky Priorities Planner, with ClickUp.

Amalie Shaffer 1:24
Yeah, so what we’re gonna do, basically, we’re gonna, we are going to pretend that we are in the situation where we’ve just launched our course, or program, whatever you want to call it, and we just close the cart. And now we’re in this transition period from launching to delivery. Because it takes a change of mindset, because from there, right, it’s all great, like you can launch, you get all these people signed up, but then you got to worry about not dying from indigestion, right, and you have to be able to deliver on that, right.

So what we’re going to do is we’re going to use her planner, and we’re going to go through some tasks that come up in that kind of transition period, right? So and we’re also pretending that we launched the course, we pre sold it, and that we only created the first week of content. And now we need to start to create the next modules one week ahead of the people who bought the program. So that’s kind of where we’re at, and how we’re going to plan that. And so the idea behind this is that we’re sitting down, you know, we’re improving here. So we’re gonna sit down at Sunday, we’re sitting down on Sunday evening, or Monday morning, and we’re starting to plan our week, knowing that we have all these people that enter the program. And there’s things that we need to do because even though you’ve launched a program, the rest of your business is still running, right, you still need to do all these other things.

And so what we’re doing is using her tool, and then I’m going to switch, once she goes over the tool, then we’re going to switch over to ClickUp and I’m going to show how I took what we discussed and what we planned out in the tool in her planner into ClickUp because in order to be able to take action on things you really need, the planner is perfect to help you prioritize to brain prioritize, give things a label, label it, but then the next step is really giving it due dates, right? Like actually say, Okay, I’m going to work on it this day, then I’m going to get this done, I’m going to do this. And without that you just have a list, but no real context of when you can do it in your week. So that’s kind of we’re gonna put it together. So Alright, Olivia, do you want to share your screen so we can start with the start with a planner.

Olivia 3:54
Let’s do this. So what we’ve done is we’ve prefilled out the task, we went through a few tests and said okay, this is what we would need to think about to do you know, after the launch and transitioning into the delivery mode, providing the service of your program or starting your course in this case, we’re using a course that we’re going to be preparing modules for.

So this is the planner and I just want to do a quick quick quick overview of how it works. So but it takes into consideration. First of all, you know, sometimes you know all the things you need to do and what you do is go just brain dump. Other things to do like we talked about, Amalie talked about it earlier. And then the next thing is when you do that, so what you have here on this side is the focus categories because when you are prioritizing when you’re thinking about what you need to it’s important to make sure that you’re doing the right things, right. So in this case, because we know we’re in the phase of delivery, we want to make sure that the tasks that we’re doing are directly related to the delivery. And also, because you’re running your business, things in your business that will either have to that will generate revenue.

Amalie Shaffer 5:23
You can’t do everything at one time. You need to prioritize. And by labeling, it allows you to know what priority you need to do them in.

Olivia 5:32
Exactly. So to save time when I had to, we went ahead and preferred tasks. Now what we want to do is we want to just make sure- this is just basically a list to help you make sure that we’re choosing to do falls within a category that has what will truly matter to your business. So support email every day. I want you to tell me, Amalie, so do you think that would be customer service, which is important, or delivery?

Amalie Shaffer 6:05
So I think it’s customer service. And I think also that it should normally be a normal like regular task. But I think because you just launched, it should get a little bit higher priority now because of that, because you’re going to actually have people that you know, maybe have login issues or need refunds, or you know, whatever comes up. So it’s I think, just like issuing refunds, customer service, and so exactly, it should get a little higher priority right now. Because you’re going to have a bunch of people joining your program or your course and then all of a sudden, right. I think it should be a recurring task daily anyway, but it gets a little higher priority now because of where it’s run.

Olivia 6:48
Exactly. And that’s exactly what you said is exactly how this partnership moves. But I was here in a bit. Sticky parties.

Amalie Shaffer 6:58
Okay, so what are we at, creating module two? So I think that’s delivery, right?

Olivia 7:03
Yeah, definitely, within that record the video that would be delivery. So what we’re seeing here is we’re making sure we’re just double checking, this is just something to help you double check that whatever you’re doing is really falling within the things that matter right now and the phase that you’re in right now. So transport video

Amalie Shaffer 7:24

Olivia 7:27
I wish I could do that. So let’s pretend. So I’m just gonna go ahead.

Amalie Shaffer 7:34
Yeah, just go ahead and fill those out. Yeah, exactly. That’d be that’d be delivery. And then Facebook group engagement, we’ll just call like, yeah, relationship building. And when we did that task, we kind of meant it like normal everyday business stuff. I think.

Olivia 7:50
That’s right. So relationship building. So what we’ll do is we’ll continue because I feel like my-

Amalie Shaffer 8:01
Is it because I’m in it maybe?

Olivia 8:03
No, is only because I’m gonna move this over. It’s not at all. Okay, so the next thing, I wish I could do this. I’m thinking, oh, maybe I should have done it ahead of time, I’m thinking. Social media planning, that is content creation, as a social media posting, right?

Amalie Shaffer 8:25
And this is normal, everyday business stuff. So yeah.

Olivia 8:29
Marketing, client, deliverables, delivery client calls, free creating a feedback form. That is the feedback form is to know how you can do better for next time.

Amalie Shaffer 8:46
I would call it customer service. I mean, that’s what I would call it

Olivia 8:49
Yeah, yeah, for sure. Because it’s gonna help you be better next time to write. Yeah, the next the one.

Amalie Shaffer 8:59
One of the lessons learned, yeah. Planning, I’d call that planning. Planning is like, if you’re gonna get ready to launch it on a regular basis, you need those lessons learned. Now, does it take priority over creating content for module two? I mean, probably not. Right, depending on how much time you have, I would say probably not because you need to get the content done. Because people are gonna be waiting for the content. And if you’re dripping it out, right?

Olivia 9:28
That’s right, exactly. So the next part of this planner is evaluating each task and this basically what you’re doing is you’re thinking between the numbers between one and 100 for both the value and the effort. And why this is important is because this will help you categorize these tasks, I guess, how important are they to do right.

So checking support email every day, right now the value is very high. Because we’re in the face of delivery, if you were in the face of creating your product, and you didn’t have any support emails to even think about, right, the moment would be like one, right. So that means that it would end up being in the backburner, because checking support. So what would it like? Say? 95? Right? All the effort that he requires is pretty low. Yeah. Right. So anything below 50. This is how it works. The logic between this is anything between is considered low, when it’s under 50. And under 50. And above 50, it’s high priority, high effort, high back up, so the effort is low. So I would say, maybe 30. And this goes, according to have you do your things? Right? Yeah. So this is very personal. Your own business, right? some funds, the value is, what would you say on value?

Amalie Shaffer 11:10
I mean, I put it, let’s give it like 80.

Olivia 11:14
Okay. And then effort to do that.

Amalie Shaffer 11:17
Same, I’d probably put, it’s not much effort to do it, you know. But I do think it’s important for relationship building, because if someone wants a refund, and you issue it, tie it in a timely manner, you know, they’re likely to either purchase from you again, or purchase something else or whatever. Login issues, I think is definitely high. I would put value on that.

Olivia 11:40
Oh, but because I mean, you want people to have access, right?

Amalie Shaffer 11:44
I love how it populates itself. I love that. So cool. For that as low. I mean, I’d put 30 for that, because getting login information to a course platform. It’s not that difficult, you know, I mean, if you’re doing a bunch of them, the time adds up, but it’s not difficult.

Olivia 12:00
That’s right. putting in more a module?

Amalie Shaffer 12:03
I mean, I think that’s high.

Olivia 12:05
Definitely 100 is your product.

Amalie Shaffer 12:08
And I would put like 60 or 70 for effort, because I think there’s going to be more effort to do that. I mean, yeah. And I would do the same for like record video transcript because they all kind of go together.

Olivia 12:23
Yeah, exactly. So record video effort, because it’s a sub task, I would say, record module. I would say probably, from you remember, you’re looking always from the point of view of how to you know.

Amalie Shaffer 12:37
I’m doing this, I would say I would probably give it like 60. Okay, we’re recording the video. Now the transcript is low effort, but high value, right? So it’s gonna be high value transcript.

Olivia 12:51
Transcript for video, the value is high, but it’s not as high. It would not be the end of the world if you did not right.

Amalie Shaffer 13:00
So maybe 16. And then efforts low? I’d say like, 30. Because all you do, you know, you submit it have to edit it. I guess. Effort is high because editing it can take longer?

Olivia 13:14
Because transcript video format, you’re right, it requires-

Amalie Shaffer 13:19
Could you put 60 for the effort only because it does take some time to do that. And then uploading the video. I mean, its values high, but it’s like super low, because it doesn’t take long, right?

Olivia 13:30
Exactly. Okay, that maybe is one like…

Amalie Shaffer 13:33
100 Yeah, but like 20? I don’t know, it’s not gonna be much. It’ll take two minutes.

Olivia 13:40
Exactly. checking email, students are fine. So when we’re talking about that, that’s in our sequence. This was the delivery, right? So in this in our case, we’re talking about making sure that they’re getting the reminders at the module that has to do within the actual cohort, right.

Amalie Shaffer 13:59
Follow up sequences. So if you had like an OTO, or some sort of high upsell, and people didn’t purchase it, you want to make sure that the emails that are bringing you back into the funnel are firing. So that’s super important, because that’s leaving money on the table. If they’re not.

Olivia 14:15
That’s right. Did you say leaving money on the table? I’m putting 100

Amalie Shaffer 14:23
But yeah, exactly. But the effort isn’t much because you’re just going in now if it’s not working, it could potentially cause some effort, but I’d say let’s give it like 20 or 30 for effort because all you’re doing is going in and checking really quickly. And that’d be a nice timely delegate, you know, and maybe some Facebook group engagement. When I came up with this one I was meaning it as if this is just your normal Facebook group, which is still important, but I would say not as important as the other ones. So value I would give it maybe like, I don’t know 70 but the efforts kind of love I mean, that’s what I would-

Olivia 14:59
It would be like 40, then yeah.

Amalie Shaffer 15:02
I think that’s good.

Olivia 15:02
Because I mean, here’s what happens, I find is that when you post something, and when you’re engaging, the reason why I give it a little bit more, in my case, because when you post one thing, you’re not just posting and leave it, you actually need to come back and re engage again. And sometimes you got to think about what people are saying, you know what I mean. So that, in that sense, it’s personally, that would be more. It’s not high effort is just because it just ends up taking up more time than us. And so social media posting. That’s how you get known. That’s remarketing. Yeah.

Amalie Shaffer 15:40
I mean, I might give it the same as the Facebook engagement, honestly.

Olivia 15:44
Right. Yeah. Okay. And then I would say the same thing. You know, having to follow up having to, you know what, I mean? My deliverables. So what did you mean, when you said deliverables?

Amalie Shaffer 15:59
So whatever client deliverables you have going on, because just because you’re launching this program doesn’t mean you’re going to let all your clients go, I’m assuming the person in our pretend situation still has clients. So that’s still high priority rates needs to be and potentially high effort because if you have work that you need to get done, you know, you need to find make sure you have time for that. Because not only are you creating your regular content, potentially blog posts, or videos, or whatever else you’re doing, but now you need to create the content for your program, because you pre sold it, and you still need to maintain your clients. So that’s fine.

We’re assuming that you have client projects. Now maybe the person that does this tells their clients that they won’t be able to work on projects right now, which that’s probably the most ideal situation, but let’s pretend like they have client projects. So that’s still high priority and potentially high effort. No, maybe give it like, I don’t know, 90. And then effort, I’d probably give it I mean, I’d probably give it like 70.

The client calls I mean, same thing. I mean, I’d give it high priority high, you know, depending on how long the calls are, potentially they’re not high ever, but maybe so let’s go somewhere in the middle. Yeah, so let’s say 50. I think that’s good. All right, and then creating the feedback form, I think that I’d probably give it 60 value, it’s important, but like, there’s other things that need to get done first, and then transferred, making the form is probably super easy, you just need to create a Google form and put it out or create a ClickUp form or whatever. So let’s just give it like 30 effort, it’ll be impactful, but the effort to get it done will be a lot.

Now, the value of the lessons learned especially if you’re going to do this on a regular basis, or you know, quarterly or twice a year, whatever is super important. So that way you don’t make the same mistakes twice. I would say the value is high, so like 80 or 90 maybe 80. And then the effort is kind of high because it’s gonna take time for you to sit down and kind of get all those things out, maybe meeting with your team if you have a team to figure out okay, what went wrong? What could have been better? How do we fix that? You know, that kind of thing.

Olivia 18:20
So that’s a good point. So how much would you say for the effort?

Amalie Shaffer 18:25
Like 60? Maybe.

Olivia 18:27
Yeah, okay, that’s good. So here’s what happens right? So all of these we just value every task, right? And so you have the sweet quickies you have like nine on a sanctuary. Oh, you do? Okay. Yeah, I think, so that’s right. You have nine quickies and you have five honey pots, super keys are tasks that these are tested when you can do first, there will be lots of value and very little effort and is from the highest to the lowest value so which means that this list right now is an order of priority already for you.

Focus first on the login issues and then the last thing is the creating the feedback form. Right? These are things that are quick to do. Honey pots quickly require more effort but they also bring new high value these are in order of what should be done first what you should focus on first quitting in Module Two is the first thing you need to do right you need to stop that and so we don’t have any back burnings. We don’t have any wooden traps because we had used this here or we did this intentionally I could have added some back burners booby traps but I didn’t I wish I didn’t think.

Amalie Shaffer 19:52
If we did like Module Three, right like that, not to be like that can wait or something but like things that are low value low effort essentially. Right?

Olivia 20:04
Well, booby traps are low value high effort, right? Because they require a lot of work. Yeah. You feel like you’re moving forward, you’re doing something, but it drains you nothing. Oh, man, right? Is something else is more important at the moment. Right? So that’s why there will be traps and burners. They require a little effort, but little value, you can put them on for later. So again, this is why this is time sensitive. What phase? Are you in your thinking about that? So now, I am big on support? Are you the one who’s going to be doing this? Obviously, me, or is it? So this is something that we could do between me and Amalie, because we’re doing this, right, so login issues? Amalie, I’ll take that. Uh, huh. Do you want to take care of uploading the

Amalie Shaffer 21:01
Yeah, I can do that.

Olivia 21:02
Okay. So but you see this here, which is very interesting, because, upload video to course platform, we can’t really do that before.

Amalie Shaffer 21:14
It’s reliant on or dependent on guiding a model first.

Olivia 21:18
Yeah. And those dependencies will be reflected in ClickUp. Right, exactly. It’s just helps us to know what’s easy to do. And they’re not necessarily and you’re going to be able to schedule them. And you’re going to be able to see the big picture in ClickUp. So I’m going to see are moving through.

Amalie Shaffer 21:44
And if it’s okay, well, I was gonna just switch over to ClickUp, just show that. So basically, you come in here and you would delegate all of it. So fitting in who’s going to do what, so that you know, who’s going to do each piece and from there, what I would do is I would be sitting down with my calendar, my appointments for the week, and then I’m looking at ClickUp to figure out what and when I will do these things when I would do them based on my availability, so that’s fine. If you don’t mind, I’m going to share my screen.

Olivia 22:23
I’m going to suspend mine.

Amalie Shaffer 22:28
Okay, cool. So the first thing I want to show here is that you can actually copy so let’s just say I want to copy this list. This is not how I have it set up in ClickUp. But I wanted to show just show that you can do this. So if for, like let’s say you had one to do lists, one main to do list, right, so you could come in here and you can actually paste and it’ll create those tasks for you. That’s not how I did this. But you have those options. So you can copy and paste from a spreadsheet, which makes it super nice.

So what I did is for the content, like the course or program, whatever. So what I did here is I created two lists, I created a Course Admin meaning check for refunds, check for support, login issues, check email sequences are firing off, create a feedback form and then create the lessons learned list. So these are going to be recurring, so I might give it a daily tag, right? Because I want that to happen daily. That’s right. This is just one off. And then I’m going to make these recurring, I would set this up and I would say okay, I want it to recur daily, skip weekends, create a new task, update the status to do and then save right so now it’s due today I’m going to assign it.

So this is when you come in and start assigning these tasks, I’d make this one recurring. And then these are specific to the course. So admin for the course. The other way you could do it is if you have an operations area, I did it twice just to show different ways of doing this, you might have an admin list. So then you can come in here and you can put your tasks issue refunds as needed daily, you know, where you would have like sending invoices to current clients. So depending on how you organize ClickUp, you can put the tasks either in an admin area where you have all your other recurring tasks like things that happen quarterly or yearly or you know, check plugins on website happens monthly. So you can have them in here or you could create a whole nother folder with a list for just your Course Admin or management or whatever you want to call it.

So that’s where I brought those tasks and then for the module would create a module template task that tells me exactly what needs to be created for the module. So what I did is I just created the module task here and then I created the subtasks based on kind of what we are going over, so I would embed or put the you know, you’re gonna put the instructions here on what needs to be created, any instructions that you have or if you’ve created an SOP with instructions for how to create your modules for your course then you can embed that here depending on it, depending on how often you launch the course or courses or programs you know, you might not have a written out SOP for it. So you might just type out instructions and that’s fine.

But I would at least create a template tasks you can quickly duplicate it, but here I have like right video script record video, edit video, right module description upload now obviously there’s more involved with this, I just wanted to get those together. I created them as subtasks because in my mind, I was thinking, well, if this person has a team, it’s better that they’re subtasks versus a checklist.

If you’re doing this project all by yourself, I would probably just create a checklist with each of these items, right? You know, Video Script, the way that I kind of decide between a checklist and a subtask is are there multiple people working on this process at a time, if it’s just me doing it, I’m creating a checklist because I don’t need the subtasks necessarily. The nice thing about having subtasks is you can give subtasks due dates but you can’t give checklist items due dates. So

Olivia 26:42
right and then you can have the subtasks Yeah, exactly. So the thing is, within the subtasks you could assign because in a one item can have many subtasks we say you have 10, five of them go to me and then forget if I go down here.

Amalie Shaffer 26:58
So those on the subtasks I can create it though you know I can create those checklists for video script you know, like I can put checklist items in here, upload to Google folder when done you know whatever instructions you need to add here and then whoever’s writing the video script will see their instructions here which is part of the whole you know.

So it’s up to you how you break it down but I recommend if you do have multiple people working on it, you use subtasks versus a checklist item and also the other way I kind of did I kind of determined between one or the other is if it’s going to take longer, like what this helps me see by seeing these broken down subtasks are like the milestones of, “Okay, this main module two I know needs to be done by Monday or let’s say Tuesday so I know then, well, if I’m looking at my schedule, I need to write the script today for sure.”

Then I probably need to record the video, probably today I’ll say I’ll do it today right so I can start to break it down if you’re just using a checklist it doesn’t necessarily let you see all the small pieces with due dates on a calendar and that helps me do it. So like editing the video you know what that can probably be done on Monday. And we can go ahead and I’ll write the module description today. And then we’ll upload it on on Tuesday right let’s just say that’s the schedule right. So then if I’m assigning this all of these they’re all going to be to me for now but let’s say that I want to look at the calendar so

Olivia 28:44
I’m remembering done the work of prioritizing right? Focus planner so then that will inform your due dates.

Amalie Shaffer 28:54
Yes, exactly. Because I’m doing it based on the priority so we know that module two super important so I need to get that in the calendar now.

Oh, let’s see. Okay, so this is just so I can see the calendar like, so now I can see this fit in if I embed my calendar then I can see okay, when am I gonna have time to do these and maybe I look at this and like, “Oh, you know what, I’m actually not gonna be able to record the video till Monday but it’s still within my timeframe because module two overall needs to be done on Tuesday”. And then I started to look at the admin so if I want to see all the course stuff that needs to be done, I can add a calendar view here. And then I can see everything in the folder right then I was just looking at the list, but now maybe I want to see all of this. So let’s say all of these are due today. So let’s give them all due dates. We’ll say Monday, we’ll just switch it to Monday at the time. And then I’m going to assign them to me. So then when I look at the overall calendar view, I’m going to look at this and think, okay, so am I going to have enough time to do all of these things that I’m setting up for myself, you know, like to hold on? Let’s see. I didn’t mean to do that. See?

Olivia 30:35
So can you just take me through quickly? Yes.

Amalie Shaffer 30:40
So basically, there’s different views at the top, you can switch between a list view, which is this one and board view, which would be like Trello, calendar view. And so now I’m looking at the calendar. And what it’s showing me is what is due. So now I can see, based on my priorities, that these are the tasks that we just pulled over from the planner. And now I’m looking and thinking, “Okay, well, what am I gonna have time for? If I had my, you can integrate your calendar, I don’t have it. But you can see, you could see when you have like, what else you have going on? And you might say okay, “well actually know what, I’m going to need to do module two on Wednesday, but I’ll record probably here”. So I move these over, because I realized, “Oh, that’s a lot of stuff. I can’t get all that done”. I mean, I don’t know I’m just saying, but this allows you to see so now I’m using the priority. And then maybe you know what, maybe we do record the video on Monday, maybe I go ahead and put this over on Monday, because it’s a priority to get done. But if we’ve established that the due date is Tuesday, then that’s fine. So anyway, this is kind of using the calendar using the priorities from the planner, and then figuring out what you’re going to do. As far as like putting questions

Olivia 32:04
Quick question. So you see in the stickies, finance sticky both finer we have, like, visually I will, I will personally would like to be able to see visually, what task is a sweet cookie and which one…

Amalie Shaffer 32:19
Oh, so we could give them tags. So we could, or labels I’m sorry, not tags, so we could name it. What was check for? What was that called? That was the sweet quickie, right?

Olivia 32:32
Yeah, yeah. We can give it a pretty color. Yeah, given. Cuz I wouldn’t want to know visually.

Amalie Shaffer 32:42
I’m sure.

Olivia 32:44
On the day…

Amalie Shaffer 32:45
The module was honey pot, right? Yeah. Okay, so this was a sweet quickie. This was what was the feedback form? I can’t remember.

Olivia 33:06
That was a sweet quickie. Okay.

Amalie Shaffer 33:11
Okay. So then, if I’m gonna do that, then I’m gonna look over here and then I can see that the label is on the titles. Yeah.

Olivia 33:19
So no, like, I can’t have three honey pots in one day, personally.

Amalie Shaffer 33:24
Right? No, you’re right. Absolutely. But I could have, well, I didn’t do it to the subtasks. But I could have a bunch of sweet quickies. Got it. I’ll record here. You know, and if you think something’s gonna take longer, you’re gonna want to move those things like okay, well, I can probably do one of these on a day when I have, you know, like, maybe I actually want to start these on Friday, you know, whatever. You can move them around, and then you can see kind of what, what you have going on?

Olivia 33:54

Amalie Shaffer 33:56
Yeah, awesome. Well, so that is how we would transition from the- Oh, here, let me I can stop sharing now. So that’s how we would transition from the launch phase to the delivery phase of a course launch or program launch. And I think that that transition is so important, because if you can’t deliver on what you sold, you end up you know, with indigestion and that’s a problem and something that you need to be aware of, especially if you’re pre selling because you have to have time, you have to have the time blocked off to create the content if you don’t have it created prior to selling it. I think that’s really, really important.

And also just the idea of sitting down and prioritizing what you have going on. Especially if you’re feeling overwhelmed, you’re not sure what to focus on you have a lot you know, you need to get these things done using something like the priorities planner that Olivia has to get yourself, prioritize, and then turn it around and put it into a project management tool that you can track you can give due dates to, you can, you know, delegate all of those things. They’re an important combination, right, like have two tools to make things successful. So anyway, I actually, you know what, Olivia, I would really love if you told people about your new program, really quickly, and then also where to find it, I’ll make sure I include the links in the show notes, but they’re in the show description. But I’d love if you just tell people really quickly about it.

Olivia 35:36
Yes, absolutely. So I’m talking about Productivity with Soul, and is starting soon. And so what I’m doing is I am supporting you to have so if you have a course that you want to launch, if you have a content plan doesn’t matter what it is when you focus on revenue generating activities in your business, and I help you prioritize it. So we start in the beginning, when you walk in, right into this container, I will help you one on one with what you need to work on first, okay. And then after that, you decide what you want to get support with, and what you want to do on your own. And I follow up if you plan it out for the next five, six weeks. And then we get together once a week, I check up on you, we have co working sessions to make sure that we’re following you know, what you say you’re going to do.

And also through that what’s weaved into it is helping you focus on your work, making sure that no more stretching your capacity to focus and do the things that you say that you do. So at the end, you know, you’re not only going to get that support, but you’re going to come out with a greater capacity to focus to be happy, practicing your focus muscles. That is Productivity with Soul,, you can apply and we’ll get to that.

Amalie Shaffer 36:55
Well thank you so much. I’ll also include the link for them in the show description so that they can check that out. And yeah, I’m really grateful, thank you so much for being here with me and sharing your tool with the audience and with me. And if you guys have questions, please feel free to leave comments questions, I will answer them, if I can’t, I will pull Olivia in and she’ll be able to answer them. And make sure you subscribe, so you can check out my future videos. And if you’re looking for one on one support for me, I will include a link in the show description to book a call with me. So thank you so much, Olivia and thank you so much for watching. Hope everyone has a great day. Bye

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Originally published at on October 12, 2021.



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