ClickUp Chat

Amalie Shaffer
6 min readSep 29, 2021


ClickUp Chat — How to set up chat channels within ClickUp for clear communication with your team and clients.

  1. Choose the level you want to have the chat at: space, folder, or list level.
  2. Create a chat on the space you selected.
  3. Rename it however as you prefer.
  4. Add additional chats if needed by clicking on the three dots, click on chat, add view.
  5. Assign comments, add emojis, use the slash commands, do screen records and add files directly into the chat.

Watch Amalie Show You How To Use Chat in ClickUp:

Read The ClickUp Chat Video Transcript

Hi, I’m Amalie and I’m with Systematic Excellence Consulting. And today I’m going to go over chat inside of ClickUp.

Okay, so you can have chat at different levels, you can have it at the space level, a folder level, the list level. And so I have some examples here that I just set up just to be able to show it. So right now I have a space selected, and I created a chat, you can rename the chat if you want. So I might call this, we’ll call this internal chat. And then maybe I want to have an additional one, I can click on chat. So I click on the three dots, click on chat, add view. And it’s going to add a second chat. And then I just click to toggle to see both of them. Maybe I want to rename this one to client chat.

Then what it allows me to do is I can have two chats with maybe my team and then a chat with the client, it gives me ability to do that, you can add it here, you can do it at the folder level. I’ve already added one here.

Let’s say maybe you don’t want to have an external chat with the client in the space. But just because maybe you break your clients down that each client gets a folder. So again, I’m going to rename this one, we’ll call this internal.

And then let’s add, well, I’ll add another chat view. And I’ll rename this one client. Or you could use the clients name, whichever you prefer. But what it does is it allows you to have different chats, here. This is our test account, and then I also connected it to our paid account. So that’s why my name is there. So it’s me messaging myself, essentially.

But anyway, so inside the chat, you can assign comments. So that way, they’ll get a notification, even if you just mentioned them in it, they will still get a notification over Notification Center. Assigning it I guess gives it a little bit more priority, I think you can mention someone, you can even mention tasks in here, if you want to, if you want to do that. “So hey, please check this today.” And then you can select which task you want to do, you just send it and then if they click on it, it’ll open the task up so you can see it.

Okay, so you can add emojis, you can use the slash commands, you can also do screen records and put them directly into the chat, you can add files here and put them in the chat. And again, if you have a second chat window open here, then you can have you know certain people that are in here, you can add people as Watchers on here. So maybe you want them to just be aware, but you’re not mentioning them in a comment, but you want them to see the conversation, you can add them as watchers.

And again, you can do the same with the other one. You can also do it at the list level. I’m just going to click on this list level, I had already created a chat. So again, you can have it at the list level, I think where what really matters is where you’re going to need to have the communication with either your team or your client. As far as at what level, you would put the chat function, I personally would put it at the client, the folder level, if you’re using each client gets a folder, that’s where I’d put the chat. But if you just want their input on a specific phase or a specific list, you can do that as well.

One of the other great things that you can do here is dashboards I will be going over dashboards in depth in another video, but I just wanted to show you what you can also do so you can set up a widget right in here that would allow you to have the chat in the dashboard versus in the area with the folders in the list.

So that is ClickUp chat. It’s really helpful. It’s a great way to collaborate in real time with your team or your clients. And again, you can do it in the dashboards or you can do it in the folders, the lists, or spaces.

Okay, so I’m Amalie, I’m with Systematic Excellence Consulting. Thank you so much for watching. If you’re looking for additional help, or one on one support on how best to use ClickUp or getting projects planned or processes planning in Click up, there’s a link below that you can book a free call, and we can see if we can get you help. Make sure you subscribe to catch our future videos. Thank you.

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